You come to me
In a silent way
you sit by my side
we talk…our souls touch
naked, unashamed,
devoid of all hubris
you show me the scars
you got for being yourself
…I show you mine
we shrug
at life’s bittersweet irony
even as we see
the sadness start
in each other’s eyes…
You wander away…
I think I have lost you
But you return
Etta’s ballad insinuates the ambiance
“O yeah, yeah you smile, you smile
…and then the spell was cast…”
you lean in to me,
whisper in my ear
your breath so sweet
…I am intoxicated… enthrall’d!
I want to tell you
Anything, everything
Instead I say nothing at all
so utterly, irrevocably, undone
at the wonder of you
We hug, say goodbye... like old friends do
knowing that the moment has passed
…and we will never pass
this way …again
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